Meet Sarah

Feeling awkward, are you?
I’m with you! If you’re feeling overwhelmed or even guilty because you’re having trouble talking with your child about puberty, bodies and sex, you’re not alone. Most of us grew up in homes with adults who were uncomfortable having “the talk,” and so we learnt to feel awkward about it, too.
I was a kid who ABSOLUTELY grew up feeling too embarrassed and unsure to talk about anything to do with sex at all.
And that might've been because I was an undiagnosed AuDHDer.
But here's one thing I know.
Talking about awkward stuff can be hard to do with kids.
And here's why.
Most of us haven't seen what a comfortable adult looks like when chatting to their kids about sex, bodies, babies, puberty, gender and all the rest of it.
For the past 9 years, I've been helping parents overcome the awkward.
They’ve learnt to start conversations, answer questions, nurture more connection with their kids as they grow, and provide a culture of openness and acceptance at home.
Their kids have grown in confidence and self-respect, and seen their trusted adults as their go-to resource when they need guidance.
Most parents want to actively support their children as they grow toward puberty and mature into adulthood.
And they want to raise kids who can respect themselves, speak up for what isn't right and respect the people around them.
I can help!
Ps. My pronouns are she/they, I'm gender queer and more than a little bit Bi. You're welcome.

Bach. Occupational Therapy
Latrobe University, Australia
M.A. Sexuality Studies
Dublin City University, Ireland

Professional Associations
Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland
World Federation of Occupational Therapists
World Association for Sexual Health

Specialised Training
Foundations Program of Sexual Health Promotion, HSE
Relationships Explored and Life Uncovered, Forórige

Sarah’s skill, I think, is giving parents permission to try, and to make mistakes. Most of us are a bit nervous about having these conversations but the important thing is that we try, that we open up a dialogue.
– Beth Kilkenny, Mother & Parenting Blogger
I also teach on my YouTube channel!
Below are some videos you might find helpful.
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